MGC People's Market - Vendor Registration

The People’s Market hosted by the Multicultural Greek Council will be on Wednesday, March 26th from 10AM to 2PM at Texas State University in the outdoor LBJ Mall.

Event Information

The vendor fee is $50 per business which can be paid via our payment link or with exact cash, check or money order made out to the Multicultural Greek Council at TXST. Payments will be due least 1 weeks prior to the event. Do not mail cash, checks, or money orders.

Parking is available at the LBJ garage and parking tickets will be validated. One validation sticker per vendor booth. Additionally, each vendor will also be supplied 1 table and 2 chairs to use.

After filling this form you will be emailed regarding your official vendor agreement form which will need to be signed and turned in for official approval and confirmation.

For any questions or concerns please contact

This is where we will send information.
Brief description