Fraternity and Sorority Life
Find Your Home
We have a variety of fraternities and sororities recognized by Texas State University. Each fraternity or sorority belongs to one of our four governing councils: the Interfraternity Council, the Multicultural Greek Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the Panhellenic Council.

How to Join
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Call Us
Telephone: 512.245.5646 (JOIN)
Email Us
Visit Us
601 University Drive
LBJSC 4-14.1
San Marcos, TX 78666
Unrecognized Organizations
The following organizations are not recognized by Texas State University and may not organize any event, sponsor any activity, or participate in any endeavor related to the university. If you believe any of these organizations are operating as though they are recognized, including recruitment of members, please alert the Dean of Students Office at 512.245.5646
Zeta Delta
Phi Zeta Psi
Please see the Hazing Memorandum for more detailed information.