Chapter Resources
New Member Education

All chapters must submit the appropriate New Member Education Approval Form before beginning any recruitment events or new member programs.
These forms must be turned into the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office in the LBJ Student Center room #4-14.1. They may not be submitted via email.
*This form will not count as an addition form. If the prospective member is initiated, they will need to fill out a separate form (The Induction Form).
Approval Forms
Updating Chapter Rosters
Rosters are updated twice a semester:
- Once at the beginning of the semester to determine council dues and intake/recruitment eligibility, if applicable.
- Once at the end of the semester to ensure accuracy on grade reports.
- Before filling out any forms to edit your roster, please review the instructions for updating the chapter roster.
Print the roster provided by Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Fraternity & Sorority Life will share with you a copy of the roster for your chapter.Indicate the appropriate status change per member.
Changes for alumni and graduated members should only be made at the beginning of the semester AFTER graduation. This is to ensure that these specific members remain on the grade report.Include the TXST email address for each individual member.
A Texas State University email address (e.g., is unique to each individual student and their NetID. The inclusion of the TXST email address ensures that Fraternity & Sorority Life identifies and makes changes to the correct individual members. This is required regardless of personal preference.Submit a Roster Deletion Form for Alumni, Graduate, Inactive/Suspended, Resigned, or Transferred Members
For any member designated as Alumni, Graduated, Inactive/Suspended, Resigned, Revoked or Transferred, you must attach a corresponding Roster Deletion Form. Fraternity & Sorority Life cannot remove these individuals from the roster without the formal paperwork to remove them. For Inactive/Suspended, the inclusion of a removal reason is required.Submit Roster Addition Form for members not listed on roster.
If a member is missing from the roster, submit a Roster Addition Form. For Affiliate/Transfers, the member’s signature is also required. Fraternity & Sorority Life cannot accept any additions you have written on the roster without the formal paperwork to add the individual.Submit signed Recruitment & Membership Grade Release Agreement for New Members.
New Members that are joining the organization must sign and submit the “Recruitment and Membership Grade Release Agreement”. The Roster Addition Form does not apply. -
Roster Status
Active (A)
A fully initiated member in your organizationAlumni (AL) *
Any member whose membership has been changed to alumni
status with your organization.Graduated (G) *
Members who have graduated from Texas StateInactive (I)/Suspended (S)
A member who is taking a semester off from the organization or whose membership was suspended by the organization. Member will be returning to Active status at a later date, and must be listed as inactive with your national/regional office.New Member (N)
A new, non-initiated, member of your organizationResigned (RS)
Any member who willingly resigned their membership to the organization.Revoked (RV)
Any member whose membership was revoked or terminated by the organizationTransfer (T)
Any member who has transferred to a different university and has indicated they will pursue an affiliate transfer.* Changes for alumni/graduated members should only be made at the beginning of the semester AFTER graduation so that those members remain on the grade report.
Roster Forms
Addition Form - Use this form to add affiliate/transfer students or initiated returning members to your chapter.
Deletion Form - Use this form to remove members from your chapter roster. Members graduating should remain listed as (A) active until the semester after they have graduated. That is when their status will be changed to (G) graduated or (AL) alumni.
Civic Engagement
Chapter presidents and philanthropy/service chairs should submit the chapter events. Individual members are encouraged to submit their hours and monetary donations using the Civic Engagement link. There are three categories that you can select, and they will all count toward your chapter's CAAP.
1. Community Service
Volunteer Hours
2. Philanthropy / Donation
Funds Raised
Review the Non-Monetary Philanthropy Conversion Chart
3. Education or Leadership
Attending or hosting education programming including, but not limited to national conferences and certain FSL events.
Time Frame to Submit Forms
Submissions are accepted from November 1, 2024 - October 24, 2025.
The President of any chapter may contact Fraternity & Sorority Life to receive the chapter's current Civic Engagement reports.
The official conversion chart is here to help you determine how much money your physically donated items are valued for the Civic Engagement form. If something is not listed on the chart you can email for clarification and further assistance.
Event Registration
All events held by an organization must be registered with the Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Below are the necessary forms chapters must submit to register their event.
The completed forms can be submitted via email.
Non-Alcohol Event
The Non-Alcohol Event Form is used for events where alcohol is not being served.
Completed paperwork is due to the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office five (5) business days before the event is to take place.
After the event is approved and at least 24 hours before the event begins, the sponsoring organization must submit a guest list.
Alcohol Event
The Alcohol Event Form is used for events where guests have access to alcohol. Chapters are highly encouraged and recommended to review the following policies if they are planning events with alcohol.
Completed paperwork is due to the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office ten (10) business days before the event is to take place.
After the event is approve and at least 24 hours before the event begins, the sponsoring organization must submit a guest list.