Greek Terminology
Active/ Initiate/ Member - Someone who has completed their New Member period, the associate/new member education program, or the membership intake process, and has been introduced to the ritual of the organization through initiation or other means, and is fulfilling academic requirements within an organization.
Bid - A written formal invitation extended to a Potential New Member (PNM) to go through the educational process set by either the national, international, or local governing body of the respective organization.
Colony - A new/young organization that has not received a full charter from a national organization.
Educational Process - A program designed to educate New Members about the history and internal functions of the organization, as well as the members role within the community. The process is created by either the national, international, or local governing body of the respective organization.
Fraternity - An organization that is based on fraternal values of Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Leadership, Scholarship, and Philanthropy. Traditionally fraternities have male membership; however, some early women’s organizations were referred to as "women’s fraternities" and continue to do so to this day.
Fraternity Formal Recruitment - A mutually selective process in which men may be invited back to various recruitment events generally held at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters by the Interfraternity Council and its respective member organizations.
Interfraternity Council (IFC) - The governing body for traditional fraternities associated with Texas State University, some of which are associated with the North American Interfraternity Conference. Included among its main responsibilities are conducting formal membership recruitment in both the fall and spring semesters. IFC also operates the student judicial system or "J-Board" for its member fraternities.
Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) - The governing body for culturally based fraternities and sororities. The council serves as a coordinating body for all academic, social activities, workshops, seminars, and philanthropic work in which member fraternities and sororities are engaged.
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) - The governing body for all fraternities and sororities which are affiliated with the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. The council serves as a coordinating body for all academic, social activities, workshops, seminars, and philanthropic work in which member fraternities and sororities are engaged.
New Member/ Associate Member/ Candidate for Membership - Someone who has been offered and accepted a bid (invitation to join), is fulfilling academic requirements within the organization, studies fraternity/sorority information, and is assessed fees by the local and/or (inter)national organization.
Panhellenic Council - The governing body for all sororities and womens fraternities that are affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference. The main role of the council is to coordinate and sponsor various educational and social programs. Their biggest event is Sorority Formal Recruitment held every August.
Potential New Member (PNM) - A term generally used by the Panhellenic Council and refers to any person interested in joining a fraternity or sorority.
Recruitment/ Intake - Student has expressed interest in becoming a member of a Greek letter organization and has attended at least one interest/information session.
Sorority - A women’s organization that is based on the fraternal values of Sisterhood, Leadership, Scholarship, and Philanthropy. The first use of this term when referring to a women’s fraternal organization was in 1882; however, it did not gain popularity until the turn of the 20th Century.
Sorority Formal Recruitment - A mutually selective process in which women may be invited back for all four days of recruitment leading up to Bid Day generally held at the beginning of the Fall semester by the Panhellenic Council. This process is officially sanctioned by the Panhellenic Council.
Greek Alphabet